Roof Inspection News

Man cleaning gutters as part of regular Tomball roof maintenance

Tomball Roof Maintenance and Inspection

If you’re a homeowner, you know the importance of keeping your property safe, updated, and in good condition. Part of that responsibility includes regular Tomball roof maintenance, as well as routine roof inspections. Since your Tomball roofing plays a crucial role in keeping your home safe and protected, these tasks aren't something you want to put off. Our Houston roof experts suggest you administer the following Tomball roof maintenance items and schedule a professional roof inspection to determine your roof’s condition. That way, should a Tomball roof replacement be necessary, you can address it as soon as possible in order to keep your home protected.

Tomball Roof Maintenance Tips from Our Houston Roofer

Here are some ways you can keep your Tomball roofing in good shape this spring:

Clean Your Gutters Regularly 

Spring pollen and other debris can clog your gutters, preventing rain from being properly diverted from your roof during downfalls. This can soak your shingles and weaken their ability to protect your home. That water can also pool on low spot of your Tomball roofing, leading to a potential leak.

As you clean your gutters, look for evidence of shingle granules, which tells you your shingles are deteriorating and can no longer protect your home. When this occurs, a Tomball roof replacement becomes necessary.

Trim Your Branches

If you have tree branches that are hanging over your Tomball roofing, your home could be at risk for serious Tomball roof damage. If winds pick up during a major storm, that branch can fall onto your roof and cause serious Tomball roof damage. Save this job for a professional tree-trimmer or arborist, however. They have the tools and know-how to trim the tree safely; many well-intentioned homeowners end up doing more harm than good if the branch is not removed properly. 

Identify and Remove Moss Growth

Moss growth indicates moisture build-up, which is never a good sign for your Tomball roofing. The underlying cause of the moss growth is something you’ll want to determine as quickly as possible before additional damage occurs. You also want to carefully clean moss or algae growth from your shingles using a specialized cleaning solution that is designed for this purpose and can be found in most hardware stores. 

Schedule Your Seasonal Roof Inspection with Our Tomball Roofer

As we inch closer to summer and the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season, it’s more important than ever to assess the condition of your Tomball roofing. Our Houston roof experts have over 47 years of experience performing thorough professional roof inspections that arm homeowners with the information they need to keep their homes protected. Call us today to schedule this important task and make sure your Tomball roof damage is addressed promptly, either through a Tomball roof replacement or repairs.