Archived Amstill Roofing Articles

As we move closer to winter, we want to make sure your Houston roof provides the level of


We all know that Houston is known for humidity and heat, but those few weeks of cold every year


With fall just beginning, and the weather getting more and more mild, the blazing summer heat is


It is often difficult to determine the overall health of our roofs. While physical signs such as


While Houston is better known for its scorching hot and humid summers rather than its mild


Here in Houston, your roof is constantly being exposed to extreme and unforgiving weather


Since 2014, Houston has seen a major boom in population growth. In fact, our great city ranked


All of the homes in our service area are likely to develop algae streaking within a few years


The debris that floats onto your Houston roof, such as leaves and twigs, may seem small and


When it comes to weather can affect your Houston roof, much is made about the treacherous storms
