Archived Amstill Roofing Articles

In the past few weeks, parts of the Greater Houston area were exposed to several hailstorms, with


As many Houston residents experienced this past Saturday (4/13), in addition to hurricanes and


Summer is the busiest time for home builders and realtors, as many homeowners try to sell their


Until November, it looks like Houston will be experiencing extreme weather. This is the annual


With the types of storms Houston experiences, making your roof storm proof isn’t possible. What is


We are two days away from the start of autumn, which means the leaves will start dying soon.


How old is your roof? If you don’t know, then it may be nearing its expiration. If your shingles are


Houston may not be the windy city, but we do get our fair share of aggressive winds during the


If you've been a victim of extensive hail storm damage, we can often replace it for you within a day,


The weather in Houston can often be described as bi-polar, moving unpredictably from one extreme to
